Buster’s Blog #186 – So Long, Dear Mother (Earth, that is) – 22 Dec. 2018

Howdy, Folks,

This is old Buster posting his last Blog. You see, I’m up here, now, in the Great Doggie Park in the Sky. They don’t usually allow communications to folks down there on Mother Earth, but I got a special dispensation; they just love Basset Hounds up here.

I hated to leave with our dear old USofA in such a sorry state, However, we old Hound doggies have seen a lot of “stuff” go down the river, but it still continues to flow. Fortunately, my old pappy said he will resume my blogging. That may take some time for the old fella to get organized (put another way, please don’t hold yer breath). He is prone to a bit of procrastination, but I believe I can trust him to carry on, eventually.

So, thanks for reading, and my best wishes to y’all.

Pappy was reading comments by the Editor of his favorite magazine, The Week. Mr Falk, in his Editor’s letter, first mentioned that dictionary.com said that if there’s a word that defines 2018, it’s “misinformation.” He finished by stating, “This may be foolishly optimistic, but my wish for 2019 is that the word of the year will be, “Truth””

That wish may be monstrously optimistic, but what choice do we have.

OK, pap, it’s all yours, good luck, y’old rascal!

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  1. Oh, Buster! You will be sorely missed by us all. But no one could possibly miss you more than your wonderful Pappy. Sending loads of love from Mobtown. xo


  2. Oh, Bus – you touched many through your utter, perfect houndliness. You’ll be sorely missed, old pal. Thanks for being you — for taking such good care of your pappy, for being the official basset hound of the old East End, and for all your thoughtful and hilarious blogs. Please look up my old basset pals, Gibby and Archie, up there in hound dog heaven. You guys will hit it off great, I know. Take good care, buddy. – The Fearnsides


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